Physical Therapy & Wellness Services


Amy will provide a comprehensive evaluation and treatment as well as a recommended plan of care. She can work with your physician or health care provider to communicate any findings and recommended treatment plans.


Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a term used to describe any therapeutic intervention where therapist uses their hands to provide the intervention. The hands are placed directly on the patient, or via a specific tool, to manipulate soft tissue in a skilled and purposeful way. Manual therapy is used to promote pain relief, decreased inflammation, improved tissue mobility, improved muscle function, improved proprioception, and aid in overall improved mechanics of movement.


Exercise Prescription

Knowing the correct exercises to do specifically for your personal physical needs is key for injury recovery and prevention. Individualized programs are provided based on physical findings, personal goals, fitness levels and available equipment. Providing hands on cueing and focus on form will ensure proper performance and optimal outcomes.


Wellness Services

Wellness services are provided outside of traditional physical therapy which means anyone, even those without injury or diagnosis, can benefit.  This could include fitness, prevention, manual therapy, dry needling or perinatal consultation and coaching.   

Amy also presents group workshops on prenatal, postpartum, pelvic floor and equestrian fitness and biomechanics among other topics of interest.  Please inquire if you have specific requests.

Special Interest Areas


Prenatal and Postpartum Care

  • Pelvic or low back pain during or after pregnancy 

  • Pubic symphysis separation 

  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction 

  • Pregnancy related urinary incontinence 

  • Postnatal bladder and bowel dysfunction 

  • Perineal tears  

  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (DR, DRA) 

Chronic Back/Hip/Pelvic/Sacroiliac Pain 

  • Low back pain 

  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction 

  • Hip labral tears, impingement, bursitis, IT band syndrome 

  • Piriformis syndrome 

  • Bulging discs 

  • Pelvic instability 

  • Chronic pelvic pain 

Team and Individual Sports 

  • Running 

  • Performing Arts 

  • High impact sports 

Pelvic Floor Disorders

  • Stress, urge or mixed urinary incontinence 

  • Urinary urgency or frequency 

  • Fecal or gas incontinence 

  • Pelvic organ prolapse: bladder, uterus, rectum, vaginal vault 

  • High tone pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) 

  • Dyspareunia or painful intercourse 

  • Vulvodynia, Vestibulitis 

  • Coccygodynia or coccyx pain 

  • Pudendal neuralgia 

  • Endometriosis 

Equestrian Athletes 

  • Pelvic symmetry 

  • Rider biomechanics 

  • Mounted posture assessment 

  • Rider fitness assessment 

Ready to schedule?

Use the contact form, call me, email me - whatever is easiest for you.


Need More Information?

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. You can also read more about APHysio and my credentials on the About page.


Pricing & Insurance


Individualized Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatments: pricing available upon request

Wellness Services: based on hours and location


Client may submit to insurance for reimbursement

Qualifies towards flex spending or HSA